1 800-768-4663

FAX: 586-585-0209

A Program For Better Management of Chronic Diseases (Tele Monitoring System)

Experts in Home Health Management, Inc.’s “Nurse in a Box” can help homebound patients with Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), Diabetes, Hypertension, and Asthma better manage their medical conditions and avoid hospitalizations.

The “Nurse in a Box”, otherwise known as tele-health monitoring, is a tabletop device which, with a doctor’s order, can be placed in the homes of patients who tend to have long term, unstable medical conditions resulting in frequent hospital or E.R. visits.

The “Nurse in a Box” program provides patients; their loved ones; and the medical care team with the reassurance of knowing their condition is being closely monitored during times of instability. Another benefit is that it helps patients learn to manage their medical conditions.

Disease symptoms are often aggravated by diet and other habits, which patients are sometime unaware can trigger a severe reaction. The “Nurse in a Box” program can provide teachable moments that allow patients to discover a cause and effect relationship between a particular behavior and an exacerbation of symptoms. The patient then is empowered with information that allows them to make future choices which ultimately can result in better management of their chronic medical condition.

Tele Health Monitoring is available FREE to

Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) patients receiving skilled home health care through Experts in Home Health Management, Inc.

How it works?

The machine, which is hooked to a telephone line, is equipped with attachments that measure the patient’s weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and oxygen levels at the same time each day. Additionally, the machine is programmed, by a clinical nurse, with a series of “yes” or “no” questions tailored to each patient’s specific medical condition.

The responses to the questions along with the vital sign measurements are transmitted to a skilled nurse at the home health care agency each day. If any of the readings or responses to the questions are out of the normal range for the patient, a call to the patient and/ or the physician will allow for immediate interventions which ideally will help patients avoid the trauma of a 911 situation.


Tele Health Monitoring System

  • Provides sense of security for the patient and patient’s family knowing that somebody is watching over their health every day.
  • Provides care based on patient needs, not only as nurse’s schedule allows.
  • Lets the doctor adjust medications or diet based on trend over time data.
  • Catches irregularities early, before they become problems: reduces emergent care episodes keeping the patient out of the ER and in the physician office.
  • Acts as an educational tool to reinforce medication use and diet restrictions.
For further information on this proactive program for chronic disease management, Please call Experts in Home Health Management, Inc. at 1-800-HOMECARE or 1-800-768-4663 and ask for the “Nurse in a Box” program.
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